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18 results found in Guide for bermuda the sound
Discover some of the iconic things that make up Bermuda's unique culture.
Before Canjelae Taylor heads out on her next adventure in the U.K., she made some time for tea with BYP....
by Kristen
The beautiful island of Bermuda is home to many native species of birds.
by ChelseO
Once abundant, the seagrass beds around Bermuda are now greatly diminished. Discover why it is happening, why it...
A vibrant St. David's Lighthouse is featured on the 2020/21 Bermuda Telephone Directory. We talk with Peter Matcham,...
Schedule for Bus Route #1: Hamilton / St. George's via Tucker's Town, The Caves and Grotto Bay
Schedule for Bus Route #8: Hamilton / Dockyard via Middle Road, Paget, Waterlot Inn and National Museum of Bermuda
Schedule for Bus Route #7: Hamilton / Barnes Corner / Dockyard via South Shore Beaches, Lighthouse and Somerset.
Thinking of moving to Bermuda to work? Read our Guide to get the inside scoop.

Points of Interest

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The Little Sound, Tribe Road No. 5, Middle Road, Southampton Parish
The Great Sound, Dockyard, Sandys
Tom Moore's Jungle, Walsingham, Harrington Sound Road, Hamilton Parish
Tom Moore's Jungle, Walsingham Nature Reserve, Hamilton Parish
The Louis Vuitton America's Cup World Series is finally here! Read on for what you need to know. 
by ChelseO
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